Consulting Services for the Animal Industry
Estudy(R) - a Program
that Fits Ingrediets to your Matrix
For a PowerPoint Presentation on Use of the Program Click Here ../FeedingStudy.ppt This program uses your experience and studies to match a new ingredient or enzyme treatment to your Existing Ingredients. Now you can add a new ingredient with confidence. Evaluate the values of an enzyme or other growth modification, in terms of your existing Matrix Values. The biggest Challenge to Using a New Ingredient is Defining a Nutritional Profile for the New Ingredient that is Compatible with Your Other Ingredients. Now You can Accurately Define the Nutritional Profile that Best Fits an Ingredient, such as an Enzyme or Distiller's Grain, or any other Ingredient, Based on Animal Growth. In the Example Below, a Published Enzyme Study was Used to Demonstrate the Program. We could Use Actual Field Experience, as well. The Acual Feed Ingredients and Weights were Entered Using my own Matrix. The Flock Sex, Live Weight, F2G, Age were Entered. The Program was asked to Fit the Growth to the Nutrition Fed. It got the Correct Weight and Feed Conversion and The Age.
We can go on to the Test Diet and Growth (Below). By Defining the Test Diet with Ingredient Weights, We Ask the Progam to Find a New Value for Ingredient 10 (the Enzyme, in this case, could use Corn + Enzyme if we wanted). The program tells us that the EXPECTED GROWTH was NOT AS GOOD as The Actual Results (The Enzyme added to the Nutrition of the Diet). Click on Results and we would see the Best Matrix Values We Could Assign to the Enzyme. The additional growth of the flock indicated that the diets had more energy and protein than the current matrix value suggested. The improvement was mostly energy and about 100 KCALs per diet. A new set of matrix values was also proposed.
To Test this exciting Program, Email fjivey at